I have helped hundreds of executives and leaders across the globe make courageous, life-changing shifts to create the lives they’ve dreamed of.
Those who get the most massive results from our work together have one thing in common.
It’s not that they’re smarter or wealthier or more successful than others.
It has nothing to do with whether they’re single or in a relationship or have kids.
It doesn’t have anything to do with their confidence level or age.
It is all about their decision-making process.
No matter what your life looks like now or how you may currently feel when you learn to embody this №1 quality of success, your life will change forever.
The №1 quality that most people have is that they DECIDE.
They make a CHOICE to do something, to commit to something and follow through, invest in themselves, and stop settling.
The longer a decision-making process lasts, the more agonizing it becomes.
The more time we take to mull over a choice, the longer we stay in limbo.
And limbo is hell.
The first and most important thing that I want to reassure you of is that you cannot make the wrong choice.
I promise. It is impossible to screw up your destiny!
With every choice we make, we will receive some kind of feedback from the Universe that reveals whether we are moving in a direction that’s in alignment or that we need to shift directions by making another choice.
But in order to get that feedback, you must make a choice.
You must liberate yourself from the limbo of indecision.
You must stop running to others for answers.
Clarity does not come from hypothetical analysis, it comes from making a choice and taking action.
What if there was NO wrong choice?
Just feedback?
Also, I encourage you to change your vocabulary when it comes to decision-making.
Use the word “choose” instead of “decide.”
The root “cide” means to “kill off” (homicide, genocide, suicide – you get the picture).
Often using the word “decide” feels scary because it feels like we are killing off something else which activates serious FOMO (fear of missing out).
Switch your language to choice, choose, and choosing.
And remember how amazing it is that we have the freedom to choose!!!
Our intuition & our senses are a great compass. Use them together with your brain.
What would life and career beyond your wildest dreams look like—one with freedom, peace, confidence, and balance?
Trust yourself.
Follow your inner compass and choose.