Hello dear friends,
My mission has always been to be the example of what is possible and to create a safe space for people to do their inner work and reconnect to their essence from within, from the inside out.
Given the recent development of events: from the fear and loss from Covid-19 to the shocking murders in the US and our thoughts and emotions around it, my mission has become even more important.
What is happening in the world is a mirror reflection of our collective consciousness. Humanity is suffering. We are in a great deal of collective and individual pain.
I have been coaching and facilitating all around the world and even if our individual stories are very different, I notice that at our core essence we are all longing for the same:
We all want to be safe, seen and supported. We all want to experience Love, come back to Love and live in Love. Even the person raising the knife or pointing the gun is crying for Love on the inside.

I myself have done some deep inner healing and growth during this last week. Slowly moving into Acceptance of what is, trying to create space and not respond with ego, but rather connect to spirit.
Today, we need to choose love. We need to choose to include rather than exclude. We need to choose to be the ripple effect of change around the world.
I believe change starts at home and within ourselves first.
Although these events are heartbreaking and unacceptable, it has highlighted what our world needs to do better.
I want to thank you for being part of this community.
If you are reading this you know in your heart that you have to take individual responsibility of your thoughts, your emotions and your actions.
I am here to create the space so powerful healing can happen and each and every one of us can live into our full potential and make the difference we are here to make.
Love truly does heal everything.
And it starts within.
I want to offer you that What we think, we become.
Creating space between your thoughts brings more space into all aspects of your life, enabling you to live in true alignement.
When we release the idea that they are permanent, our thoughts flow with more fluidity, more freedom. Remember, you are not controlled by your thoughts. You are the space between them.
So take a deep breath today and ask yourself how you want to show up in the world and how you have move into Love rather than Fear. All my love,