Let’s talk about the power of setting intentions and goals.
Many clients I work with often have a hard time setting clear goals and intentions for their personal and professional projects & following through on their visions.
I would like to draw your attention to the word “FOCUS”, because one of the challenges in today’s busy life is that there is a ton of information-overflow and there are so many things that are pulling our attention that we wonder:
“Should I be doing this? Should I be doing that? Should this other thing be taking my attention?”
And the only way to focus your attention deliberately, in my opinion, is to set a very specific, tangible intention/goal around your desires and decide how you prioritize your day, consistently.
I personally like to set monthly Intentions.
I like to have a short time period to do something and have something to sort of review and reflect on.
I encourage you to ask yourself the following question:
- What is my Intention for June? (In my life, in my relationship in my business…whatever you want to focus on.)
- …PAUSE and really think about it.
Now you might ask yourself: “Well, what’s the point? When I don’t hit my “goal”, I’m just frustrated and disappointed…or I have tried this before, it just doesn’t work for me.
My answer is: You might be missing the WHY of goal setting.
The purpose of setting a goal or intention is NOT to actually hit it!
WHAT??? Stay with me.
- The purpose of the goal is the stretch it requires.
- The purpose of the goal is that it’s going to set you into motion and taking actions differently than you would have otherwise.
- The purpose of a goal is that you set the intention and it directs your action and your focus.
You’ll be doing things differently than if you had not set an intention at all.
That is the value. Not actually hitting the goal…
Are you with me?
There have been many goals and intentions that I have set, whether they are action or financial based, or both, that I didn’t hit.
But, I did things differently, and that was the point anyway.
I evolved as a person. I failed and learned. I saw my limits AND my possibilities.
Ok, let’s try it again: What would your specific, measurable goal be in June?
Give it a thought. Write it down. Get coached.
I am already interviewing amazing women to join the next round of my Time for YOU coaching program starting in September.
Will YOU join in this time, so I can help you with your specific goal setting strategy?
I trust so.
I am manifesting it.
I am beyond excited.
All my love,